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When to Upgrade Your RO System’s Pump to a Torpedo Pump

December 26, 2022

One of the pumping systems we often use when manufacturing our larger Reverse Osmosis (RO) MACU-Pure systems is a Torpedo Pump.

The Torpedo Pump typically costs 10-15% more than a vertical stack pump yet there are thousands of Torpedo Pumps in service. Why would one ever want to pay more for this pump? It's because in the end there are SEVERAL advantages to this pump over a vertical pump and it all comes down to reliability and lower operating costs in the long-run.

Torpedo Pump

Why Upgrade to a Torpedo Pump


To start, Torpedo Pumps have a service life greater than 30 years. They can handle the rigorous requirements in ships, being trailer mounted, and any other portable application because there is no flexible coupling that can go out of alignment between the motor and the pump. The alignment of the pump cannot fail, even if dropped or vibrated during transit or operation. This makes the Torpedo Pump a natural fit for mounting on a moving platform, especially when you consider how many industrial facilities shake and vibrate because of the extremely large machines being operated.

Additionally, Torpedo Pumps don't require any scheduled maintenance or lubrication. These pumps are even specifically designed to be rebuilt instead of replaced, which can save you a lot of money if any issues arise.


As mentioned above, Torpedo Pumps don't require scheduled maintenance to maintain performance. All pump motors have an efficiency rating. The negative efficiency (%) is the HEAT that is rejected to the surrounding cooling medium. In the case of air-cooled motors, this waste heat is lost to the air. With the T-PUMP, the waste heat is rejected to the surrounding water which, through tempering, raises the efficiency of the RO membranes.


  • They can be mounted horizontally or vertically.
  • Torpedo Pumps can be easily modified for dewatering through a rifling methos on the enclosure. This is a popular design with our South American customers.
  • No noise. The water that surrounds the motor attenuates high frequency noise. Much like a submarine that cannot send high frequency radio waves while submerged, only (non-offensive) low frequency noise can be transmitted through water. This is not the case with air-cooled conventional motors, which emit noise that will hurt your eardrums. The very first Torpedo Pump was sold to Hewlett-Packard was sold on the basis of noise suppression.
  • No baseplate required. The Torpedo Pump can be mounted on conventional pipe saddles, in either the horizontal or vertical positions.
  • Smaller footprint if you have a height restriction. On larger RO systems, the height dimension is almost always due to the pump height.
  • No assembly required. Large and tall vertical pumps are typically shipped off the RO skid; that’s a lot of weight in the air with only four bolts attaching the base to the skid.

Have more Questions about Water Pump Systems?

Consulting service from the engineers at MAC Water Technologies can help you find the right solution for your water systems that are not only cost-effective, but efficient and tailored for what you need. Call us today for more information!

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